Accuro welcomes two new Client Services Directors to its Jersey office

A coast

Kelly Watson – Client Services Director

Having qualified as a Barrister (non-practising) and Solicitor of England and Wales Kelly Watson spent five years in private practice in both England and Jersey before moving into the offshore finance industry in 2009.  Kelly completed an advanced training scheme with an international bank-owned trust company, going on to work at an independent trust company prior to joining Accuro in 2021.  Her legal background enables her to specialise in the administration of contentious, complex and / or distressed offshore structures, in particular those involved in litigation or under criminal or tax investigation.  Kelly holds a Bachelor of Laws honours degree and the STEP diploma in International Offshore Administration. In her spare time she is a keen cyclist and opera singer.  

Helen Hendy – Client Services Director

With a career spanning over 30 years in the Jersey private client industry, Helen Hendy brings additional strength and depth to the Accuro team, specialising in structuring for UHNW UK Resident and Non-UK domiciled families, PTCs, family governance and Family Investment Companies, and managing a wide range of asset classes for multi-jurisdictional, international client families. During her career, Helen has worked to executive board level with three previous fiduciary services providers including independent, bank-owned and PE backed businesses. Working closely in partnership with clients and intermediaries to achieve the desired structuring, generational wealth planning and philanthropic objectives, Helen is highly respected by the finance community for the strong and lasting relationships she builds with all parties. Helen is an Associate member of ICSA – the Chartered Governance Institute and holds the IOD Diploma in Company Direction.

Helen commented: “I truly believe I have found a business aligned with my own values, placing the client family and their objectives back at the top of the agenda and delivering a first class, personal service. Accuro recognises the importance of people and culture in driving success, both for our client families and our team. Together we are passionate in our commitment to be a top tier fiduciary services provider and trusted advisers to our clients whilst being mindful of our corporate mission to be a force for good in society.”

Paul Douglas, Managing Director of Accuro in Jersey, commented: “We are delighted to welcome Helen and Kelly to the Accuro team. They are both industry professionals of the highest calibre and they bring extensive experience in managing diverse and complex assets, working closely with client families and their advisors. We are pleased that our independent business model and distinct working environment is what has attracted them to Accuro and we look forward to this helping them to deliver client service excellence.”

Accuro’s forward-thinking business practices recognised by STEP Award

Award for Accuro

Accuro is proud to announce its fourth win of the prestigious Trust Company of the Year (midsize firm) category at the STEP Private Client Awards 2021/22. Accuro has been shortlisted for the award every year since its inception in 2017, taking home the prize four out of the last five years.

Hosted by STEP, the global professional association that promotes excellence for private client professionals, this year’s virtual award ceremony took place on the 23rd September 2021.

STEP subjects all nominees to a rigorous judging process that considers their performance, values and contributions. Its awards are highly-coveted and are the top private client industry accolade.

Accuro stands out in this industry as an independent, fully management-and-staff-owned business, leading the way as a positive force for families, society and the environment, committed to developing long-term relationships and long-term change.

Since its management buy-out in 2017, Accuro has demonstrated its willingness to challenge the status quo and set a new standard in the industry. Attracting clients from across the globe and leading professionals to join its ranks, the business has grown organically into one which now operates from offices in Jersey, Geneva, Mauritius, and London. In 2021 Accuro has welcomed more new employees than ever before.

With a strong tradition of thought-leadership in the industry, a diverse client base, and a company structure that values and recognises the contributions of all staff members as integral to its overall success, Accuro truly lives up to its name: a trust company that cares.

The judges were impressed by Accuro’s focus on ‘values and client service’. In particular, they praised the support it provides its employees, its ownership model, its healthy annual growth figures and its commitment to its values. This includes legally binding changes to its articles of association committing to having a positive impact on society and the environment.

Accuro’s CEO, Xavier Isaac, commented: « The words of the Presiding judges are particularly pleasing because they recognise the relentless efforts of our staff in their pursuit of excellence in client services, while praising at the same time Accuro for applying more sustainable and forward-thinking business practices.”

Award for Accuro

Accuro proud member of the UN Global Compact

United Nations Global Compact logo

We are delighted to announce that Accuro Fiduciary has joined the United Nations Global Compact and the UN Global Compact Network UK – a voluntary leadership platform for the development, implementation, and disclosure of responsible business practices.

With this announcement, Accuro is aligning its operations and strategies with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and taking actions that advance societal goals embodied in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Steve Kenzie, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network UK said “We support business taking actions to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. We are delighted and encouraged by Accuro’s endorsement of our initiative.”

Xavier Isaac, CEO of Accuro commented: “As a company fully owned by its management and staff, we like to use our independence and freedom of action to promote the responsible stewardship of our business based on UN SDGs and sound universally accepted principles. We believe it is also in the best interest of our clients for us to do so.”

Launched in 2000, the UN Global Compact is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, with more than 12,000 companies and 3,500 non-business signatories based in over 160 countries, and 69 Local Networks.

We encourage you to visit the UN Global Compact Network UK website to learn more about their work-streams.

United Nations Global Compact logo

How Mauritius can help realise the collective dream for sustainable growth


Can we choose our dreams? From an individual perspective, this is a fascinating question and surely a difficult one to answer in a few short words. However, from a collective perspective, the answer to the same question, in a location like Mauritius, is a resounding ‘yes’. Why is such an affirmative response pertinent to Mauritius in particular? The rationale is clear and simple, when examined from the societal viewpoint.

As a reputable and region-leading International Financial Centre at the gateway to the African continent, the Republic of Mauritius is a microcosm of banking, professional and investment services. The island nation’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic has been one of unprecedented support and this has set the tone for how Mauritius is looking to its future. The dream or vision of that future is positively informed by an increasing appetite for and focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues by the government and businesses in Mauritius.

Why Mauritius holds ESG close to its heart?

Although ESG is undoubtedly a rising theme all over the globe as we look to our post-pandemic world, Mauritius’ position as an island nation empowers us in particular to see just why these issues are so vital, and why they are firmly on the agenda of the Mauritius International Financial Centre.

Indeed, Mauritius is an island that sits amongst the unrivalled beauty of the Indian Ocean, with flora and fauna that is in many instances unique and exceptional to the locality. There could be no more visibly engaging reminder to international business of the importance of enshrining the need to protect this biodiversity and natural environment through commerce as well as through policy.

Environmental commitment is no longer exclusively the mandate of the philanthropic sector. The answer to addressing global problems lies in global solutions. After all, rivers and oceans know no boundaries and the flows of international business account for how strategic and commercial decisions have a wider impact on society and the environment. Consideration for these factors is encompassed within the stakeholder approach: mapping and then factoring in the impact and effect ‘in the whole view’ of commercial decisions.

Providing a framework for ESG

Addressing societal and environmental (not to mention good governance) needs and concerns cannot be haphazardly approached. Mauritius’ development in this regard looks to the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals. These are a collection of seventeen interlinked global goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. Notwithstanding that they were only formulated in 2015, they are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. That means there is actually very little time for making the dream a reality. This is precisely why private businesses will need to step up to lead alongside governments and charities.

In terms of the key steps taken to date along the path to sustainability in the financial sector, the Mauritian Government announced in the Budget 2020-21 that the Bank of Mauritius would come up with a framework for Blue and Green bonds, which led to the publication of a Guide on sustainable bonds by the Bank of Mauritius in June 2021. This Guide seeks to provide an overview of the requirements and process for the issuance of Sustainable Bonds and the listing of these Bonds on Exchanges licensed in Mauritius on the one hand, and to ensure the integrity of the sustainable financing ecosystem on the island on the other, to guard against ‘greenwashing’.

The Guide also highlights that one important lesson that can be learnt from the coronavirus pandemic is that ESG factors, sustainability and resilience are very important, both for markets and economies. It underlines that Sustainable Bonds are therefore more relevant than ever to help channel sustainable finance towards recovery and long-term resilience in a post-COVID world.

How the private sector is supporting such efforts?

More broadly, Mauritius is actively seeking to bring environmental and societal themes into its framework for international business. Not just looking internally within the island itself – Mauritius’ proximity to and business access for Africa means it necessarily and altruistically has a regional view in setting the tone here. Beyond steps taken for Blue and Green bonds, ethical indices, and sustainable pledges, one of the most forward-looking steps Mauritius is taking is encouraging private business to play its part.

In practice this may comprise the amendment of a company’s constitutional documents to provide for a stakeholder approach; or resourcing supplies locally in an effort to bring positive returns to local business and community. These are self-fulfilling practices, and they make for a positive vision, which is also a necessary one for humanity and planet Earth.

The science is clear in its stark prediction of how we will all be impacted by rising sea levels. Mauritius is all too aware of that, being an island nation. The local community is behind the ethos; evidence by citizen-led efforts to clean up oil spills and other similar self-starting initiatives. Such a praiseworthy local philosophy will increasingly filter through to the world of commerce. This is why an ESG approach is not just good for the planet and society, but also in tune with the substance of the locality. That makes for much more meaningful business.

Mauritius to forge ahead in its ESG journey

This entire field is a still a new one when it comes to harmonised international standards and there is a need for global regulations and legislation to clarify, platform and empower people and businesses looking to embrace this approach.

But every journey starts with a first step – and it is clear that Mauritius is a sound starting point to pursuing our collective dream of a more positive environmental and societal future for all.

Published on 19 August 2021 in Mauritius Economic Development Board

April Hamel and Scott King listed as Channel Islands Top 35 Under 35

A coast

Accuro is delighted to announce that Legal Counsel, April Hamel and Senior Relationship Manager, Scott King, have been listed as Channel Islands Top 35 Under 35 by eprivateclient.

The Channel Islands Top 35 Under 35 aims to identify, recognise, introduce and promote the rising stars of the private client professions. The selection process began with an open call for nominations from across the private wealth sector for young and upcoming stars within the private client advisory professions in Jersey and Guernsey. Career progression, the quality and extensiveness of nominations and the seniority of who made the nomination and what that person said were crucial elements in determining who makes the list.

April joined Accuro in September 2020 as a Legal Counsel, she has a high level of technical understanding of legal and compliance issues and has been engaged in a broad range of matters. In the past six months she has taken the lead on a number of internal projects including drafting a mandatory disclosure policy, the redrafting of over 100 internal precedents and advising on the group’s approach to ESG investing.

Scott joined Accuro in November 2018 as a Senior Relationship Manager, he administers a number of complex and bespoke structures working closely with High Net Worth individuals, their families and advisors. He is responsible for the day-to-day management of these structures which typically have UK, Middle Eastern, North African or US connections. Over the last year Scott has successfully delivered against challenging transaction deadlines for these clients and has become an instrumental member of their team working in tandem with their advisors and family offices.

Paul Douglas, Managing Director of Accuro Trust (Jersey), said: ‘We at Accuro in Jersey are delighted that the efforts and abilities of two of our colleagues have been recognised with their inclusion in the 2021 ‘Top 35 Under 35’ list. This accolade is testament to the hard work, focus and expertise that April and Scott have brought to our business.’

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Spinning The Wheel Of Life: Governance, Sustainability And Family In African Wealth Planning

Mustafa Hussain

In striving for harmony – or balance – of that whole, we must consider all the factors affecting African private clients. Identifying them enables us to consider what impact those factors are or should be having on the rest.

At the outset, it is important to keep in mind that African families face all the usual challenges that their counterparts do in any corner of the world. These range from the fundamental concern of wealth preservation, through to planning income requirements, and considering succession.

However, apart from the usual issues, there are further pressures or regional factors affecting African families in particular. Let us go over each of these factors one by one.

Governance: Making place for the old and the new

The strength and success of an African family business is often tied to the entrepreneurialism and endeavour of a patriarchal founder. More often than not, his tireless pursuit of his mission has resulted in success, with established social and business status, and the ensuing wealth.

This means that the business structure is inherently hierarchical. Cultural norms of respect for elders and tradition favouring certain categories of family members, such as first-born children, compound this issue. Societal norms arising from multiple marriages or complex customary relationships also need to be accounted for.

Finally, patriarchs send their children to the UK, USA and Australia for education and career development. Upon returning home, the youth bring fresh ideas, an innovative spirit and a loyalty to family that is also characterised by the pressure of “large shoes to fill” or a family name to “live up to”.

Engaging with the second and third generation is key. Planning for their ideas to be considered and integrated into the business will motivate them. Harnessing the passion of their ideas and fusing those with the family business can also achieve diversification. Good governance uses loyalty and ideas to generate value. Suppressing or ignoring such energy brings the risk of conflict (personal and professional). Such conflict can become entrenched – making succession planning more difficult than it needs to be.

Organisation: Making sense of diversified structures

The opportunistic character of investments built up by African clients over a long period of time means they have very varied business interests and assets which do not necessarily focus on one sector. Rather, they reflect the opportunity presented to the patriarch to invest. Such opportunities may have ranged across industries, decades and jurisdictions. A typical family conglomerate might include construction, retail, industrial and real estate investments – instead of being entirely focussed on one sector, such as energy.

A good first step is to reorganise shareholdings and implement an ultimate holding structure, with reporting lines, responsibilities and segregation of joint ventures away from the core business and private family assets. In Africa that often entails identifying what belongs to whom in the family (and which are business assets) since those lines blur in practice.

The advantages of completing this exercise include streamlining compliance, organising ownership records and empowering executives in the group to focus on priorities. This generates value across the group and opens the door to sustainability and innovation.

Risk management: Mitigating geopolitical risks

The geopolitical countenances of the continent prompt the need to mitigate currency fluctuation, local inflation, the risk of asset sequestration and the ability to move investment monies across borders.

Settling wealth and asset planning arrangements such as trusts or incorporating investment vehicles can help. Efficiency lies in taking advantage of double tax treaties, such as those between Mauritius and African countries. Mauritius supplements that fiscal advantage for African clients with accessibility to qualified, friendly and multi-lingual fiduciaries and administrators whose skilled labour is accompanied by insight and expertise.

It is a false economy to cut corners when retaining such services. Some African clients have discovered that the hard way, after being side-lined as high risk by their service providers or even, in the worst-case scenario, defrauded by them. The sophistication of the Mauritian market means that it now offers expert insights from professionals who not only understand the cultural norms and dynamics of African families but who actually have a passion for working with African clients and supporting them in fulfilling their aspirations.

Balancing the wheel of life

In the ultimate analysis, the key to keeping a wheel spinning is as simple as ensuring its balance and infusing proactive effort into the exercise.

By starting with an understanding of the family and its mission and harnessing the power of good governance and working with best-in-class professionals, a sustainable approach to wealth and business succession planning is one that is well within reach for clients from Africa.

Published on May 2021 in Issue 1 of Mauritius Finance – Page 40

STEP 60-second interview with Natacha Onawelho-Loren

Natacha Onawelho-Loren

What is your role within your firm?

I am the managing director of the Accuro Group’s Swiss office.

How did it feel to win a STEP Private Client Award for Trust Company of the Year (midsize firm) last year?

It was a joyful and rewarding occasion. As the award ceremony was held virtually for the first time, we organised an internal event around it, with one of us sharing his computer screen to everyone who had tuned in. This meant that, unlike a ‘normal’ year where only a few would be able to attend the ceremony live, most of us heard the award announcement at the same time. It was a wonderful moment of togetherness and joy

Why is winning a STEP PCA important to your firm?

STEP is the ultimate accolade in our industry. Winning an award is recognition from our peers that all our efforts and hard work have not gone unnoticed.

We have been on quite a journey since 2017, when we completed the first part of our management buyout. We are now fully independent, and have the luxury of being able to take the long-term view, both for our clients and ourselves, without having to compromise on our independence of mind and action.

What are the main challenges facing your organisation at the moment?

Apart from the pandemic and the challenge of remote working, we are determined to be a force for good socially and environmentally, whilst doing well as a business. The private wealth sector may at times be painted with a tarnished brush, and our aim is to raise awareness and to facilitate responsible wealth and legacy, including addressing inequality and care of our planet.

How will you deal with these challenges?

We are addressing this challenge inwardly and outwardly, circumstances allowing. Inwardly, by making a strong commitment to all our colleagues in terms of corporate governance, profit share, mental health, diversity and inclusion in the work place. Outwardly, by initiating discussions with some of the families we take care of, in the area of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) and socially-responsible wealth.

What do you like best about your job?

The ability to meet people of different horizons on different paths in life, and to participate, as much as we can, to their long-term well-being as well as to that of their loved ones.

… and what do you feel is most worthwhile?

We are working in an industry which combines family/personal dynamics with wealth accumulation, wealth preservation and eventually wealth succession. This is quite a challenging mix. Yet, if you get it right in your own role (and for us at Accuro it means being a good trustee) it can be very rewarding.

What would you say to a young person thinking of a career in this industry?

I re-discovered how fun, rewarding and interesting my job is a few years ago, when I gave a lecture for STEP on how to be a good trustee. The role is extremely demanding and requires the ability to navigate complex legal and regulatory rules with an ability to forge long-term meaningful relationships.

I’d advise a young person to look for a company with a solid infrastructure and a strong, cohesive team, both internally and externally, as the ability to cooperate within and outside the industry should not be underestimated if you are to look after your clients.

It is a career where no two days are alike and which can be unpredictable. However, and at the risk of repeating myself, it can be very rewarding and a lot of fun.

Where do you see future growth, both in terms of sectors and jurisdictions?

Growth will come from entrepreneurs operating ‘COVID-winner’ enterprises, especially from the Middle East, Asia, South America and Africa. In fact anywhere where political uncertainty will lead families to want to protect their wealth.

On the jurisdictions front, there is, and will continue to be, a flight to quality and transparency. As offshore centres get more pressurised, onshore and mid-shore will become even more popular.

Which social media channels do you use and why?

We principally use LinkedIn and Instagram to reach out to our network of intermediaries, to share our vision with the outside world.

Published on Monday, 15 March 2021 in STEP

Award for Accuro

Accuro wins prestigious Wealthbriefing Swiss Awards 2021

Award for Accuro

We are delighted to share that Accuro was announced winner at the Wealthbriefing Swiss Awards 2021 in the “Independent Trust or Fiduciary Company” category.

Showcasing ‘best of breed’ providers in the global private banking, wealth management and trusted advisor communities, the awards were designed to recognise companies, teams and individuals which the prestigious panel of judges deemed to have ‘demonstrated innovation and excellence during 2020’.

The judges said: “Accuro recognized the pandemic as an opportunity to invest time and efforts in educating the next generation and in highlighting the topic of mental health, which is particularly important in these times of increased stress and anxiety, resulting in improved client satisfaction and an overall positive impact in the trust industry.”

Natacha Onawelho-Loren, Managing Director of Accuro commented:

“This is a tremendous achievement for the Swiss team in a year which has seen fundamental changes in the way we work with and deliver our services to clients. I am delighted that our efforts to care for our staff while ensuring seamless client service delivery has been recognised.”

Award for Accuro from ITFC